
Killing floor 2 custom maps server
Killing floor 2 custom maps server

killing floor 2 custom maps server

Chances are your question has already been answered. Use the search function before posting.If you have a complaint regarding another user, PM the appropriate moderators, or if you have an administrative issue, schneidzekk.The owners of Tripwire Interactive Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason, as well as to remove access to the forums for any individuals with or without warning for breaches of the rules. Doing so may result in a ban from the site. Any decisions made by any member of staff or moderator are final and not subject to discussion.Speaking to them with intentional spite will not be tolerated and may result in the loss of your forum privileges. Forum moderators may or may not be Tripwire Interactive staff members, but either way, please respect them, as they are the authority of the forums.Items changed, or highlighted for future attention, on 20 July 2013 are highlighted in yellow.We’ve added explanations for why and how Tripwire processes customer data and the types of data that we process, as well as information about your data protection rights.įor more information about our privacy practices, please review the new Privacy Policy found here: Forum Rules CHANGES We’ve incorporated the relevant concepts from the GDPR including joining the EU and Swiss Privacy Shield framework. The following are highlights of our changes: We’ve updated the Tripwire Privacy Notice under our Policies to be clearer about our use of customer information to come in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules that come into force today (25th May 2018).

Killing floor 2 custom maps server